Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All That Starts Well, Ends Well!

Well, After some tentative attempts at blogging.. I am here! Finally a part of the blogosphere.. And today is quite a special day, my first post in this mystic world of blogging. Though I have been reading blogs for quite some time, it was only late in my life i found my passion for writing.. And thats how this blog was born. All credits to the person who changed my life upside down.

It’s all in the game. Everything happens for our own good. This is how i always think. So i believe that this start is going to be good for me.. I always wanted my very own blog where I can speak my mind out and understand myself better. Now am going to pen down my thoughts and lots more here. Read if you are interested!!

But guys.. No, this post is not an emotional nonsense, but a new start to my view of life..

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